África subsahariana
Mundo Árabe/Islam
América Latina
South Sudan’s humanitarian crisis report: December 2022
In 2018, Salva Kiir and Riek Machar signed a peace agreement, which aimed to end the 5-year civil war and prepare the path towards reconciliation. This latter issue is essential in order to build a solid institutional structure for the country, which not only faces the remains of the civil war but also has to deal with the climate change, seasonal floods and regional instability. Even worse, intercommunal violence has not stopped since 2018’s agreement and is still a big threat to the peace process of the world’s newest country.
Reasons of a new military coup in Burkina Faso
Between January 23 and 24, militaries ended the era of Roch Kaboré as president of Burkina Faso. So, the emerging transition received a mortal hit and, therefore, the country once again is under the rule of an authoritarian regime lead by militaries. In this context, it is proper to analyse why this is happening.
Acerca de la ruptura diplomática entre Argelia y Marruecos
Desde su llegada a la presidencia, Abdelmadjid Tebboune ha empezado a generar movimientos en la dormida diplomacia del estado argelino. Sobre esto último, el mandatario ha dejado en claro cuál es su postura respecto de Marruecos, lo cual se consolidó con una serie de señales enviadas, por el gobierno de Argelia, durante 2020 y 2021. La última de ellas ha sido el rompimiento de las relaciones con Marruecos, razón por la cual es interesante comprender el contexto y las razones de este nuevo impasse diplomático.
Chad after Idriss Déby’s death: comments and projections
On April 20th, the longtime President of Chad was killed and, according to the official statement, no specific information was given. Beyond this confusing issue, the fact is that Idriss Déby, who had recently won the presidential election, is dead and, therefore the country is facing an unknown fate.
Acerca de la ruptura diplomática entre Argelia y Marruecos
Según el comunicado oficial del gobierno argelino, la decisión se tomó debido...
Chad after Idriss Déby’s death: comments and projections
CT and Déby’s regime, it could be relevant in the further events that could...
Los DD.HH. y la elección presidencial en Chile
Al respecto, es evidente que hay muchos temas relevantes, pero vale la pena...
Marruecos-Polisario: ¿un nuevo episodio militar en el Sahara?
Los choques entre el Polisario y Marruecos no son una novedad y, de hecho,...