On August 18, 2020, a coup d’état took place in Mali, where an incipient transtion was taking place since the 2012 military coup and war. After that, the country experienced a new military coup, now a military-to-military one, on May 24, 2021. Then, as pieces of a...
Archivos : Sahel
Military coups and the fight against violence in the Sahel: an improved or a worsening situation?
On August 18, 2020, a coup d’état took place in Mali, where an incipient transtion was taking place since the 2012 military coup and war. After that, the country experienced a new military coup, now a military-to-military one, on May 24, 2021. Then, as pieces of a...
Reporte de crisis: Níger, ¿un nuevo fracaso democrático en el Sahel?
El 26 de julio se produjo un golpe de estado en este estratégico país africano. Lo que comenzó como un amotinamiento, finalmente terminó como un golpe militar. Así, Níger se suma a otros países de la región, que también han sufrido por la ruptura del sistema...